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Under the guidance of Khentrul Lodrö Thayé Rinpoche, Katog Ewam Ling Sangha is a group of the Nyingma tradition practicing Tibetan Buddhism in Juneau, Alaska. As a means to support the community of practitioners, we hold group meditation sessions. To find out when Rinpoche will be in Juneau or Alaska again please subscribe to our newsletter below or send an e-mail to

All local practices have been moved to online using the Zoom platform. Please see the Practice Schedule for dates and times.


Friends - there is a lot of support out there and it continues to grow.

One of the special opportunities that is available to us, is Khentrul Rinpoche’s online teachings.  Even though KLTR can't visit Juneau in person, you still have an opportunity to “see” him and receive teachings. 

Go to Katog Choling’s main website - and register. 

You can join any or all of the online teachings and different meditations that are being offered


Stay in touch! Join our newsletter.

©2019 by Katog Ewam Ling

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